SigUSD and SigRSV
TokenJay provides a direct access to the AgeUSD bank box for you to use.
About AgeUSD
AgeUSD is an algorithmic stable coin based on Ergo's smart contracts. You can find detailed information about the AgeUSD protocol on and a explanation guide on
The AgeUSD smart contract is open source. Its Ergo address is where the exchanges with the bank take place, you can watch the bank transactions on Ergo Explorer. provides charts and historic information.
How to exchange SigUSD and SigRSV on TokenJay
- You need an ErgoPay compatible wallet application at hand. We recommend the mobile Ergo Wallet App
- Open the TokenJay app with the link below and navigate to the AgeUSD panel. If you are using Ergo Wallet App on Android, you can alternatively activate Mosaik plugins in the settings and navigate to in the dApp section.
- Select the token to exchange (SigUSD or SigRSV) and enter the amount you want to buy or sell.
- TokenJay will show you a calculation of
the amounts you are going to pay or receive as well as a button to
invoke the transaction.
Important: This breakdown might change until you prepare the actual transaction. Invoke your wallet application. It will contact TokenJay to prepare the actual transaction - this might take some seconds - and show a confirmation screen. Please check it carefully as this is the transaction that will be executed on the blockchain when you confirm.
This transaction is either done the way it is shown or cancelled in case the exchange rate or other conditions changed in the meantime.- When you've confirmed, the transaction is sent to the Ergo network and waits to be executed. Please see the FAQ below.
Benefits of using TokenJay
SigmaUSD and SigmaRSV is available on other places as well. What are your benefits of using TokenJay?
- TokenJay interacts directly with the AgeUSD bank. There is no proxy address between you and the bank. The transaction either succeeds exactly the way you confirmed it - or it is cancelled entirely. No funds stuck, no insecurities.
- By directly interacting with the AgeUSD bank, the exchange conditions are guaranteed. The exchange rate will not change when you swap larger amounts.
- TokenJay has a very competitive interface fee of only 0.22% (min 0.02 ERG). Because we support users stabilizing the bank, the interface fee drops down to 0.11% (min 0.02 ERG) in case the reserve ratio is below 400%.
- I got an error submitting the transaction stating only UTXO are
TokenJay directly interacts with the AgeUSD bank box. If someone else did the same while you took your time to confirm the transaction, the transaction prepared for you is not valid any more and can't get submitted. Reload to prepare a new transaction. - My transaction waited some time but was cancelled after some time
This can happen if the exchange rate or other conditions change while your transaction is waiting to be executed. Thanks to your direct interaction with the bank, nothing happened at all in this case. You can try again. Using a higher transaction fee amount will make your transaction execute faster.